“What is Macrobiotics?” Carl Ferré
Macrobiotics is the practical application of the natural laws of change. The term comes from the Greek; “macro” means great, and “bios” means life. It
“Benefits of Wet Cupping Therapy” Wafa’a Akl
While I understand the need to get the public interest, and with over 7 years of practice as a cupping therapist, I found a
“The Power of Macrobiotics” Julie Tara
Macrobiotics Today, November/December 1994, Vol. 34, No. 6 The power of embracing the macrobiotic way of life is really quite astounding. Born out of the
“The Myth of Overeating” Don Matesz
Macrobiotics Today, July/August 1994, Vol. 34, No. 4 According to the most common view in America, being over-weight is a result of overeating, and
“Introducing Essential Ohsawa” George Ohsawa edited by Carl Ferré
Macrobiotics Today, September/October 1994, Vol. 34, No. 5 Foundation of Absolute Happiness For thousands of years, the saints, the wise, and the scholars have attempted
“What Is Female Energy?” Interview with Dr. Martha Cottrell by Bob Ligon
Macrobiotics Today, March/April 1992, Vol. 32, No. 2 Introduction: Dr. Martha Cottrell is a respected physician who travels extensively lecturing on health promotion and disease
“Macrobiotics Beyond Assumptions” Steve Gagné
Macrobiotics Today, March/April 1995, Vol. 35, No. 3 As an introduction to macrobiotic education many years ago I was confronted with some powerful words and
“Where Are Your Ancestors From?” Diane Avoli
Macrobiotics Today, September/October 1994, Vol. 34, No. 5 Macrobiotics in America is still in its infancy. It will take many years to progress through
Macrobiotic glossary
Agar-Agar Agar Agar is a strong natural jelling agent made from red seaweed. It is Soothing to the digestive tract, aids regularity and also good
Basic self healing principles:
1. All foods are preferably cultivated organically or bio-dynamically 2. Foods are cultivated locally and eaten in season. 3. Foods are prepared in their
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