Back and Neck Pain

Back pain and neck pain are common nowadays. At San Ramon Wellness, our provider offers a variety of therapeutic services: Hijama cupping therapy, Sliding massage cupping therapy, Bee venom therapy, Reiki, macrobiotic counseling and more. These services are available to clients throughout our office in San Ramon, California. A group visits can be offered to the surrounding area contact us for more details.


Back and Neck Pain Q & A

Why back and neck pain happens?

Many factors may contribute to back and neck pain. Clients with either type of pain may experience issues due to an injury to soft tissues, such as a muscle strain. Either type of pain can also occur because of the client’s posture or the alignment of the spine, structural problems or certain chronic medical conditions. Structural problems that may cause pain include herniated discs in the neck or back. It is most common in case of arthritis.

Q1 - How does San Ramon Wellness successfully deal with back and neck pain?

The provider at San Ramon Wellness learns as much as possible about the client’s symptoms and dig deep into what cause this and then develops a suitable plan customized to meet their needs. This plan will include some combination of Hijama cupping therapy, massage cupping therapy, bee venom sessions, Macrobiotic diet, and natural home remedies. The goal of plan is not only to alleviate the client’s pain but to improve the overall health of the neck or back.

Q2 - Who is a good candidate for neck or back pain health plan at San Ramon Wellness?

Most clients with neck or back pain will benefit from our variety services, but some clients’ pain may be related to a serious condition that requires more invasive treatment. We will be able to determine whether conservative care is appropriate for each client.

Q3 - How soon will clients gain relief from pain?

Clients may notice some relief after first couple of sessions. However, most clients will need to attend several sessions to reach their full potential.

Q4 - Are San Ramon Wellness’s methods safe?

Our provider uses a range of safe simple procedures to address clients’ back and neck pain. These therapies are generally safe. Call or schedule an appointment online at San Ramon Wellness.

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