Oncology Reiki or Reiki for Cancer
Offering Reiki for cancer survivors or people who going through cancer treatments has shown benefits to ease stress and pain management. Book your appointment now
Oncology Reiki or Reiki for Cancer Q & A
What is Reiki ?
According to The American Cancer Society, Reiki is a safe complementary cancer therapy. Their website acknowledges patients’ subjective reports of Reiki’s ability to speed healing and increase their sense of well-being. Statistics show that 1 in 3 people will have some form of cancer in their lifetime. Across the United States, hospitals and hospices have begun to value Reiki induces relaxation, lowers heart rate and reduces stress levels. Studies indicate that people heal better if they can remain in a low stress state. Reiki involves a light touch or no touch at all. people remain clothed while energy flows above and into their body. For people with multiple tumor sites.
Q1 - What are the techniques used with oncology Reiki?
At San Ramon Wellness, our provider is trained to use oncology Reiki for
Clearing the colon
Immune Booster
Nervous system healing
Clear/charge/seal energy field
Clear the liver
Replenish Hara
Lymph drainage
Calm Nausea
Clear the lungs